Everson Museum Exhibit!

Anne's work is part of the Salt City Clay exhibit at the Everson Museum of Art in Syracuse, NY.  Salt City Clay features juried selections from the Syracuse Ceramic Guild.  The exhibit runs into January 2015.  Here are the two works that Anne created: "Flame Flower"  37 inches diameter, ceramic and melted glass

"King of the Yard"  Ceramic and melted glass with Gloss White glaze 24 x 21


Clay Decor in Pottery Plus, Syracuse, NY

Join us for amazing artwork in ceramics, glass, metal, fiber, and much more during the Delavan Center Holiday Open House and Sale!  A.M. Foulke's work will be included in the Syracuse Ceramic Guild's Pottery Plus show, entrance off of Wyoming Street.  Join us for fabulous art and light refreshments!2014 PP Flyer pic

New VIDEOs From Anne

Anne Foulke, the artist behind Clay Decor, LLC, has just uploaded new videos!  Watch a clay tile being created, get a glimpse into the studio, or check out how glass tiles are made!

Clay Decor Videos: